Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Article: Suriving a Terrorist Hijacking

We've just posted a new article by army anti-terrorism instructor Robert Deatherage Jr: Surviving a Terrorist Airplane Hijacking. These are potentially lifesaving tips and well worth reviewing if you travel by air. For more detailed instruction, check out Deatherage's book Terrorism Awareness: Understanding the Threat and How You Can Protect Yourself.

Monday, December 15, 2008

New Podcast - Defense against a Club Attack

Training officer Lieutenant Kevin Dillon teaches simple but effective defenses against an attacker armed with a stick or club. Learn how to defuse, disarm and immoblize a potentially dangerous assailant with this tactic used by police officers every day on the street. This instructional segment is taken from the Police Combat Tactics 2 DVD at

Watch this week's Martial Arts Technique of the Week Podcast now!