Monday, December 12, 2005

Martial Arts Drill for Kids: Obstacle Course

The following drill is excerpted from the Martial Arts Instructors Desk Reference:

Making an obstacle course in the training hall is a great class starter for kids' classes. Don't let anyone stand around waiting in line - assign a time killing exercise like jumping jacks or running place between turns at a station. Some ideas for stations to keep everyone moving:

  • Jump over a pile of kicking shields
  • Crawl through a tunnel of kicking shields without touching them
  • Jump over a series of heavy bags laid about two feet apart
  • Kick or strike a hanging target, hanging bag or stand up heavy bag
  • Weave around a line of hand targets
  • Duck walk under a hanging heavy bag
  • Look in the mirror and kihap loudly five times
  • Roll between two kicking shields without touching them
  • Block an " attack " by a blocker or foam wand
  • Kick a paper cup off of the top of a standing bag
  • Crawl under a stick balanced on two chairs
  • Walk on a line on the floor (masking tape works well and removes easily after use)
  • Hop over a belt laid on the floor to form a zig-zag course
Some stations may require an adult to reset or facilitate.

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