Expanded strength and conditioning section:
- 12 additional upper body stretches
- 7 simple tests to gauge your fitness level
- 24 essential core strengthening exercises
- Weightlifting for conditioning
- Core strengthening TotalGym workout
- 25 strength-training exercises for the Swiss ball
- Weight training with dumbbells and free weights
- Resistive band exercises for strengthening and rehab
- Plyometrics overview
Expanded taping and wrapping section:
- Using protective padding on the feet
- Taping the Achilles tendon, knee joint, elbow and heel
- Wrapping the ankle, thigh, hip and shoulder
Added information on first aid:
- wound care
- treatment of lacerations
- skin infections
- hip and groin injuries
- shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger and thumb injuries
- torso injuries
- dehydration
New chapter about pregnancy and the martial arts
Updated scientific research and medical information
Over 150 pages and 300 photos added
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