Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Just Released: Point Blank Gun Defenses book + DVD

Bob Laronga's new book and DVD set - Point Blank Gun Defenses - has just arrived in our warehouses. If you preordered a copy, it's in the mail!

Point Blank Gun Defenses: More Survival Secrets teaches you how to defend against a point blank gun threat to almost any part of your body. Learn techniques for disarming and incapacitating an attacker who threatens you with a gun to the back of the head, the side of the head, the abdomen, the back, or the side of your body. You’ll even learn variations against both right and left-handed assailants so you’ll be prepared for every imaginable scenario in a point blank attack.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Autographed Copies of Vital Point Strikes sold out

Autographed Copies of Vital Point Strikes sold out

Thank you to everyone who ordered an autographed copy of Sang H. Kim's forthcoming Vital Point Strikes book. The autographed copies are sold out - if you placed your order before Sunday, May 4th, you'll receive a signed copy of the book when it's released in early June.