Thursday, November 17, 2005

10 Principles of Defending Against a Knife Attack

Sang H. Kim, instructor of the Knife Defense Fundamentals and Advanced Knife Defense DVDs, shares these simple principles for defending against a knife wielding attacker:

  1. Stay as close to your opponent as possible after you close.
  2. Focus on taking control of the knife first.
  3. Grabbing the knife wielding hand is always preferable to parrying/blocking.
  4. Cut off your attacker's view of the knife.
  5. Close the distance quickly and smoothly.
  6. Never take unnecessary chances or use complicated techniques.
  7. Detach yourself from the fear you feel when faced with a weapon.
  8. Stay alert but unemotional.
  9. Keep a natural demeanor and deceive your opponent.
  10. Move suddenly and without warning.

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