Friday, November 25, 2005

Effective Visualization

Visualization techniques are powerful because the mind does not distinguish between what is vividly visualized and what is done in physical reality. According to Dr. Jacob H. Jordan, author of Total MindBody Training, "When actions are clearly visualized, neuro-physiologic pathways are formed just as though you were physically performing the action. The same neurotransmitters travel to the same muscles, often at sub threshold levels, resulting in muscle contractions only detectable by EMG monitoring. This process effectively tattoos the physical action into your physiology with subsequent improvement in your abilities. The results are comparable to physical training in experienced athletes."

As a firm believer in the power of visualization to improve martial arts training, Dr. Jordan shares the following seven steps to effective visualization:

1. Relax
2. Start simple, with a single element
3. Build in/combine individual elements to create a bigger picture
4. Create a "moving hologram" from the third person point of view
5. Move from third person to first person viewpoint
6. Experience all five senses in your visualization
7. Incorporate emotions for added realism

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