Monday, January 23, 2006

What is Dynamic Tension?

Loren Christensen and Wim Demeere answer this common question in The Fighter's Body:

Dynamic tension is a simple, but highly effective way for your muscles to gain power and increase size by working against other muscles in your body. You control the tension by increasing or decreasing the amount of resistance you apply. The exercises are considered progressive because you continuously increase the tension as you progress in strength.
Dynamic tension has been an important supplemental exercise in the martial arts for many years. It defines the word applicability because it develops power from the starting point of a technique and all along its track. This is called “specificity of movement,” meaning that you exercise the exact muscles you want to increase in power and size.

You can do dynamic tension as a supplement along with your weight training, by itself at the end of your martial arts workout, or on those days you don’t train in your fighting art. If you normally lift weights but for whatever reason you can’t for a while, dynamic tension helps maintain your weight-trained gains.

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