Friday, October 06, 2006

Zen Man Reviewed in Black Belt

Zen Man is reviewed in the October issue of Black Belt magazine. The full page review begins: "Even though Zen Man is a new movie, its plot is an old one. That's not to say the straight-to-DVD action flick is outdated or some sort of remake. Rather, it's a new film that contains some classic Eastern mythology, as well as some enduring contemporary folklore."

The reviewer goes on to give a detailed breakdown of the film's strong and weak points, wrapping up with: "[Sang H.] Kim is the best thing about Zen Man. From his acting to his directing, the martail arts master shows us the potential of what a little money and a lot of passion can breed on-screen. With a bigger budget, better supporting players and help with the writing, Kim should be able to produce a movie to match his versatile skills."

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